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Convolution and Fourier transforms on continuous-time signals

To compute and evaluate the behavior of linear systems.

Work done

  • Produced the frequency response of higher degree transfer functions, and plotted the poles and zeroes of a system in the complex plane by using MATLAB.

  • Computing the statistical measures of the signals and their transformations by using various functions.

  • Finding out the stability and performance of an overall linear system, frequency, mean, standard deviation, and minimum and maximum values of the signals and the transformations.


A signal is asymptotically stable if the output signal approaches a steady state as the input signal approaches infinity. Whereas, A signal is BIBO (Bounded-input, Bounded-output) stable if the output signal remains bounded for all bounded input signals.​

Projct guide - Dr. Uthra. R, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SRM Institute of science and technology

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