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Arduino-based car parking system

The objective is to assess and determine methods for preventing collisions and ensuring safe parking. This involves measuring and calculating various factors that may contribute to the risk of collisions or accidents, such as the size and layout of the parking area and the speed of the vehicles.

Work done

  • An interface was created that is capable of detecting obstacles in the surrounding area of a vehicle. The interface processes the data collected by the sensors to identify potential obstacles in the vehicle's environment and provide alerts or take other protective actions as needed to prevent collisions.

  • A program was written that is used to retrieve and interpret data from sensors mounted on a vehicle. The sensors are used to detect the presence and distance of nearby objects, such as other vehicles or stationary obstacles, to enhance the safety of the vehicle.


By implementing automatic settings during the operation of a vehicle, the time required for operation was reduced and the risk of collisions was minimized, resulting in a greatly enhanced user experience. The use of these automatic settings not only made the operation of the vehicle more efficient but also increased safety and reduced the overall risk of accidents.​

Project guide - Dr. N. Chellammal, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SRM Institute of science and technology

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