Modified Particle Swarm Optimization for Economic load dispatch problem
The goal is to identify the most cost-effective and optimal solution for the task of distributing workloads efficiently. The "load dispatch problem" refers to the challenge of allocating tasks or workloads to various resources in a way that meets the demands of the system while minimizing costs and utilizing resources efficiently.
Work done
Engaged in research focused on the interactions of particles within a solution space.
Designed a solution model that considered the size of the particle population and the interactions among them to achieve an optimized outcome.
Learned about the existing PSO technique and compared the data and simulations with the Modified Particle Swarm Optimisation technique.
Understanding the dynamics at play within a solution space and devising a method for effectively navigating and manipulating these interactions to arrive at a preferred solution.
The aforementioned model is utilized to determine the necessary distribution of generation resources to meet the power demand. This technique involves assigning active power output levels to individual generator units, while also taking into account any constraints imposed by the network infrastructure to ensure that the overall system is configured in the most cost-efficient manner possible. By utilizing this approach, it is possible to effectively manage the generation and distribution of power in a way that meets the needs of the system while minimizing expenses.​
Project guide - Dr. P. Suresh, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SRM Institute of science and technology