Welcome to ShivamDesignLab
I am Shivam, an Engineer, Designer, Educator, and Artist. I am also the Founder of Project Dhyanasetu. I recently graduated in Human-Computer Interaction from the Computational Media Department at the University of California, Santa Cruz. As a master's student, I was a Lead researcher for a project sponsored by NASA Ames Research Center's HCI group. Currently, I am extending my research in Space HCI with Prof. Magy. Additionally, I am collaborating with Dr. Roshanaei on research that examines the role of language models (LLMs) in enhancing community engagement, social interactions, and overall well-being.
My research interests lie in the realm of Generative AI, Human-Computer Interaction, Social Justice and Well-Being. Currently, I am focused on two key areas: designing human-centered AI solutions for future space missions and exploring AI-mediated interactions to promote social interaction and well-being.
I've been fortunate to receive support from many individuals throughout my journey. If our research interests align or if you're looking for advice, feedback, or suggestions that I can offer, feel free to schedule a chat with me, here.
\imagine--{Humanity-Centered Technologies}
Recent News
Research presentation with NASA Ames, Human Systems Integration Division. (December 2024)
Research presentation at UCSC HCAI group about "How Human-Centered approach can shape the future of Space Missions." (November 2024)
Catch up with Professor Minghui Hu and joined the research cluster, ''Humanities in the Age of Artificial Intelligence.'' (September 2024)
Joined the Human-Centered AI (HCAI) research group at UCSC, led by Prof. Magy Seif El-Nasr and started working on a project titled "AI-Driven Planning and Decision Support System for Future Space Missions" (September 2024)
Research presentation with NASA Ames, Human Systems Integration Division. (June 2024)
NASA Ames Research Center, HSI Division, sponsored a project titled "User Interface for AI-Supported Space Mission Planning and Execution." (April 2024)
Who I’ve Collaborated With (and Loved It!) -2024 Journey